What is a roast level? - What it means and the impact on flavour

What is a roast level?

First things first, we have to understand what a roast level is.

It is simply the point at which the coffee beans are stopped during the roasting process. Some are roasted for longer and at higher temperatures than others.

As a result, the beans can have different characteristics when they are pulled from the roasting process. 

Light roasts

Beans that have a lighter roast will be a lighter, paler brown colour. They have only just started to crack in the roasting process at this stage so will retain the majority of their natural oils and acidity.

The beans themselves will not have a layer of oil on them at this stage.

A lighter roast tends to enhance any specific tasting notes of the bean. For example, if the bean has a honey note to it, this will be more noticeable in a lighter roast of bean, compared to the same bean with a darker roast.

Light roasts are great for tasting the origin of the coffee and determining specific flavour notes.

Why not try:

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Ethiopia Yirgacheffe - Single Origin – Swayy (swayyuk.com)

Medium roasts

Coffee that is roasted at a medium level is said to be the best due to the balance of flavour notes specific to the coffee, and the notes brought out by the roasting.

These beans tend to have some visible coffee oil present on the surface of the bean after roasting. It is also likely that the bean will have begun it's second crack when pulled from the roasting process at a medium level.

These beans will be slightly darker in colour than light roasts; more of a deep brown.

Why not try:

El Salvador        El Salvador - Single Origin – Swayy (swayyuk.com)

Beri Blend          Beri Blend – Swayy (swayyuk.com)

Dark roasts

Beans that have had a dark roast are, you guessed it, dark! These beans are deep brown or sometimes even black in colour.

Dark roast beans will have a deep flavour profile. Woodiness, nuttiness, sweetness and smokiness are all flavour descriptors associated with a dark roast coffee.

The bean itself will have a more oily appearance, as the second crack will be tapering off, meaning a lot of the natural oils will have been released from the bean.

Why not try: 

Mooloo blend      Mooloo Blend – Swayy (swayyuk.com)

Jijivisha blend    Jijivisha Blend – Swayy (swayyuk.com)

Each to their own!

There is no right answer as to which roast is best - it all depends on your palate and tastebuds.

We prefer a medium roasted coffee, such as the Beri blend, due to it's smooth balance of flavours and vibrant body.

Don't be afraid to experiment with various roasted coffees to see which one works best for you and your lifestyle.

What is a roast level? Key points:

  • The roast level is the point at which coffee beans are pulled out of the roasting process.

  • The roast level can alter characteristics of the coffee.

  • Lighter roasts only just start to crack meaning retain the majority of their natural oils and acidity. This roast level is great for tasting the origin of the coffee and determining specific flavour notes.
  • Medium roasts tend to have some visible coffee oil present on the surface of the bean after roasting. It is also likely that the bean will have begun it's second crack when pulled from the roasting process. This roast is the most balanced between specific notes and notes brought out by roasting.
  • Dark roasts have a deep flavour profile. The bean itself will have a more oily appearance, as the second crack will be tapering off
  • There's no right answer. Whatever you prefer is the one for you!
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